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What Are You Most Likely To Die From?

What Are You Most Likely To Die From?

Your risk of injury or death may be greater than you think. Over 55 million people are injured each year. Know your risks. Using the National Safety Council's data animation we will show you just how many people get hurt and die each day and from what. Know your risks.

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The Invisible (and DANGEROUS) Curb.

The Invisible (and DANGEROUS) Curb.

In this video, we're going to talk about the invisible (and extremely dangerous) sidewalk curb. This little-known danger presents a major trip and fall hazard, and it's time you learned about it! Watch this video to see the invisible curb, and how to avoid potential...

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Caution Dangerous Pathway Ahead!

Caution Dangerous Pathway Ahead!

Here's an example of a potentially dangerous pathway at the COSTCO store in Southlake, TX. Although being attractive, the retailer increased the risk of a pedestrian slip and fall by constructing the stone and gravel pathway. When this store was build the pathway did...

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Is Your Workplace OSHA Compliant?

Is Your Workplace OSHA Compliant?

November 25, 2020. 45 min. 46 sec. Russ speaks with former head of OSHA, Ed Foulke about workplace safety and discusses leading and lagging indicators, and the importance of VPP. Do you have a CORONA safety Plan? How important is safety to your organization? and What...

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How Being Distracted Can Kill You.

How Being Distracted Can Kill You.

October 17, 2020. 46 min. 36 sec. In this episode Russ talks with Danny Smith from the SafeStart company about distracted driving and how it impacts everyone's safety. Also in this episode Russ also talks about the wildfire that's currently burning in California and...

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