President Biden’s “Handlers” decided that perhaps the reason he falls so often may to due to his choice of footwear and has given the boot to his pair of Skechers Slip-Ins and has opted for a new pair of HOKA Transports. But will the wardrobe change really make a difference? Independent laboratory slip resistance test results revealed no difference in slip resistance from either brand of shoes therefore giving the President and his team a false sense of security. If only footwear manufacturers would label their products slip resistance it would make selecting the right shoe a whole lot easier.

CALL TO ACTION: The NFSI is calling you to submit comments to their petition to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) calling for footwear manufacturers to test and label their shoes slip resistance as to protect people like President Biden, who are most at risk of slipping.

For more information on the NFSI’s petition click here:

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Safety World News with Russ Kendzior